Baby Born before 24-Week Abortion Limit Survives and Calls Law into Question

Baby Born before 24-Week Abortion Limit Survives and Calls Law into Question

A U.K. mother who gave birth to a baby who survived at only 23 weeks gestation is calling for the 24-week abortion limit to be lowered

The Christian Institute reports that Meabh McArdle was born prematurely, weighing only one pound. She spent six months in an intensive care unit, fighting for her life while doctors worked to heal her congenital heart defect and an eye condition called retinopathy of prematurity, which gave her a 50 percent chance of blindness.

After these intense six months, Meabh was released from the hospital and her mother, Fionnuala, was able to bring her home.

Fionnuala describes the now 8 pound, 15 ounce Meabh as a “bubbly, beautiful and amazing little girl,” and says it is “an absolute disgrace” that it would have been legal for her to abort a child as developed as Meabh.

“I want people to see how beautiful she is and how every baby deserves a fighting chance,” she continued.

Fionnuala has become an advocate for restricting abortion.

“When I gave birth to her she was perfectly formed with a gorgeous little face – I think some people don’t realise how developed they are at that age. It breaks my heart that people can abort a baby when I see what she looked like at 23 weeks – I personally think the limit needs to be lowered,” she said.

Currently, abortion is legal in the U.K. up to 24 weeks. Abortion up to birth is legal in cases of the mother’s health or if the baby has a deformity.

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: April 14, 2016