Baltimore Residents Turn to Prayer to Fight Crime and Violence

Baltimore Residents Turn to Prayer to Fight Crime and Violence

Almost 200 people walked the streets of Baltimore on Saturday, united in prayer for peace in the city.

Christian Today reports the pastors and civilians gathered for the fourth annual Cherry Hill Prayer Walk, an event that aims to stop crime and violence in Baltimore. 

This year’s walk came at a significant time, as Baltimore just experienced its deadliest month in nearly 40 years due to homicides. USA Today reports 43 people were killed in the city in May. 

The death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray also recently prompted riots that destroyed property and injured several people, including police officers.

Pastor Ebony Harvin, who participated in the prayer walk said, "It's very important because we believe that God can do any and everything... and prayer changes things.” 

Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake also took part in the event. 

"You know I think it takes all of us, all parts of the community working together as one Baltimore and we can't ignore the power and strength of the faith community," she said. 

Publication date: June 10, 2015