Benjamin Netanyahu Harshly Criticizes Iran Nuclear Deal in Speech

  • Amanda Casanova Contributor
  • Published Oct 02, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu Harshly Criticizes Iran Nuclear Deal in Speech

The Prime Minister of Israel criticized the international community’s acceptance of a nuclear deal with Iran.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly in New York that the deal was a mistake.

"This deal does not make peace more likely. By fuelling Iran's aggression with billions in sanctions relief, it makes war more likely," he said.

"Does anyone seriously believe that flooding this radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression? 

"When bad behavior is rewarded it only gets worse," he added.

The deal, reached in July, says that Iran now has limits on its nuclear program. In return, sanctions against the country were lifted.

"I have long said that the greatest danger facing our world is the coupling of militant Islam with nuclear weapons," he said.

Netanyahu said he was willing to speak with the Palestinians in peace talks, but he added that President Mahmoud Abbas previously told the United Nations General Assembly that he would not reopen negotiations under the current conditions.

"How can Israel make peace with a Palestinian partner who refuses even to sit at the negotiating table?" he asked.

Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Publication date: October 2, 2015