Beth Moore Challenges Christian Leaders to Condemn White Nationalism

  • Kayla Koslosky Former Editor
  • Updated Aug 08, 2019
Beth Moore Challenges Christian Leaders to Condemn White Nationalism

Following the tragic shootings over the weekend that left nearly 30 people dead, Christian author and speaker Beth Moore took to Twitter to implore pastors to condemn white nationalism.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday, Moore started off by noting that Christ of the Bible, simply cannot be the same christ who the El Paso shooter reportedly invoked. According to Baptist News, the alleged shooter, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, wrote in his Twitter bio that he was a “proud God loving Christian.” 

Moore wrote, “Any “Christ” that can be invoked in support of white nationalism is a false Christ of the highest, most hellish order. An anti-Christ. A wholly-opposite christ. No such christ is the Christ Jesus of Scripture who taught His followers a love that sacrifices life & limb for others.”

The Breaking Free author then issued a challenge to all followers of Christ, asking them to declare the same sentiment. She wrote, “Let it be known, let it be declared by genuine followers of Jesus, that the man who opened fire in El Paso may invoke a christ of some kind but it is NOT our Christ. His christ would be unrecognizable to us. Unrecognizable in Scripture. We claim no christ of white nationalism.”

Moore concluded her statement by speaking directly to Christian Leaders. She wrote, “Christian leaders, LEAD. Do not shrink back in cowardice. Be bold. Be clear. Do not assume people know where you stand. History will prove this to be a most critical hour and our silence to have been our shameful complicity.”

Moore is only one a many influential Christians who have spoken out against racism, white nationalism and white supremacy following the mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas. 

As Christian Headlines previously reported, Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, Ed Stetzer wrote on Sunday, “Racism, white nationalism, and white supremacy all make no sense if you are a Christian. Christians literally worship a dark-skinned, Jewish savior from the Middle East. Not only is racism sinful, it is remarkably stupid for anyone who identifies as a Christian.”

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Adam Greenway echoed these sentiments in a tweet on Sunday writing, “As president of @SWBTS, I want to be clear that we condemn in the strongest possible form any and all ideologies of racial/ethnic superiority/inferiority that fuel the kind of hate evidently motivating the #ElPaso shooter to commit such a horrific act of violence in our state.”

As Christian Headlines Previously reported, on Saturday a gunman opened fire in a local Walmart in El Paso, Texas killing 20 people and injuring 26. In the early morning hours the following day, another shooter took up arms and opened fire on a crowd of people outside of a bar in Dayton, Ohio. He killed 9 people and injured 27 before being shot dead by police. 

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Terry Wyatt/Stringer