Bible Museum Uses Discarded Celebrity Wax Figures for its Bible Characters

Bible Museum Uses Discarded Celebrity Wax Figures for its Bible Characters

The BibleWalk Museum in Mansfield, Ohio uses discarded wax figures of celebrities for its Bible scene recreations.

It is unlikely that you would be able to see a wax figure of Tom Cruise repurposed to look like Jesus anywhere else than at BibleWalk, which boasts over 300 wax figures and 70 recreated Bible scenes.

BibleWalk uses many unwanted celebrity wax figures as Bible characters in their scenes, according to Other celebrity wax figures repurposed include Elizabeth Taylor and John Travolta in a King Solomon scene, Prince Charles, Prince Philip, and Steve McQueen.

Scenes include King Solomon, Jonah and the Whale, heaven and hell, and the Last Supper.

On its website, the BibleWalk museum proclaims, “Were you there when they crucified the Lord? Were you there when they laid Him in the grave? You can be. BibleWalk is a Must See and a Must Experience.”

Whether you go to the Museum to see the Bible scenes or just to see the repurposed wax figures, it is sure to be an experience to remember. 

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Publication date: August 20, 2015