Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Respond to Colorado, New Mexico Wildfires

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Dec 07, 2012
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Respond to Colorado, New Mexico Wildfires

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is in Colorado and New Mexico as wildfires continue to affect large regions in the nation's west. Chaplains deployed to both locations on June 14, shortly after the fires began, and are currently offering emotional and spiritual care in the Fort Collins area of Colorado and the Ruidoso/Capitan area of New Mexico. Chaplains have begun reaching out to homeowners in New Mexico, but have had limited opportunities to minister in Colorado as the fires continue to rage and survivors remain evacuated from their homes. "Many of those who have been evacuated and unable to return home have told us that the worst part is not knowing," said Jack Munday, director of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team. "They don't know if their homes are still standing, don't know if their pets are alive, and don't know if they've lost all they own in this world. Our chaplains are there to encourage the ministry of local churches and offer a listening ear, practical assistance and support to those affected. We want to bring the compassion and hope of Jesus Christ into this horrible situation."