Billy Graham: When a Believer Dies an ‘Angel Will Escort Them to Heaven’

Billy Graham: When a Believer Dies an ‘Angel Will Escort Them to Heaven’

The Rev. Billy Graham recently answered a reader’s question of whether angels escort believers to heaven after they die.

"When we die, does an angel accompany us into heaven? I've heard this all my life, but is it really true? How do we know?" the reader asked in the Answers section of the famous evangelist’s website.

“Yes, the Bible indicates that when a believer dies, the angels will escort them safely into heaven,” Graham began in his response, according to Charisma News.

Graham then provided an example from the Bible of an angel escorting a believer to heaven after death:

“In one of His parables, for example, Jesus told about two very different men. One was a rich man, who lived only for himself and ignored both God and others. The other was a poor beggar who had nothing as far as this world's goods were concerned, but had faith in God and His promises. When the rich man died, he received what he deserved: a life of misery, separated from God forever. But when the poor man died, the angels accompanied him safely into God's presence. (You can read this parable in Luke 16:19-31).”

Graham ended by reminding the reader as he always does in his responses to readers’ questions that salvation comes only through Jesus.

“Never forget, however, that Christ alone is our Savior, and He alone is the one in whom we are to place our faith and trust. We should be grateful for God's angels, but we are not to worship them or make them (instead of Christ) the center of our faith. Is Christ the center of your faith? Make sure of your commitment to Him. Then put your confidence in God's promise: "For He will give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways" (Ps. 91:11).”


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Publication date: August 30, 2016