Boko Haram Attacks Christians, Burns Churches in Nigeria

Boko Haram Attacks Christians, Burns Churches in Nigeria

Members of Boko Haram violently attacked Christians and burned churches on May 25 and 26. The militants killed 29 Christians in the attacks and destroyed six churches on the eastern side of Borno state.. 

According to the Christian Post, 21 Christians were attacked by gunmen during a Church of Christ in Nations worship service on May 25. The following day, the militants set fire to churches and homes. 

Gwoza resident Nglamuda Ibrahim said, “In the Monday [May 26] attack, six churches were burned, eight Christians were killed and several others seriously injured. We cannot count the number of houses that were burned in the villages of Chinene, Chikide, Joghode, Kaghum and in Amuda village, where one Christian was killed and several others injured.”

The Gwoza area had previously seen a kidnapping of eight girls ages 12-15 and a Church of the Brethren (EYN) pastor, Rev. Bitrus Yahi. 

EYN spokesperson Rebecca Dali said that the congregation has learned nothing of his whereabouts of state of health since his disappearance in mid-April. 

EYN pastor Rev. Moses Thliza said, “We have continued to receive disturbing reports about continued attacks and killing of Christians in Gwoza area. All EYN churches in the area have been destroyed, and we have been forced to relocate the few surviving pastors there to other part of the country. In a sense, our ministry in that area has completely been destroyed.” 

Publication date: June 3, 2014