Boko Haram Plans Large-Scale Attacks Using Children and Animals as Suicide Bombers

Boko Haram Plans Large-Scale Attacks Using Children and Animals as Suicide Bombers

A Nigerian official has issued a warning that Boko Haram militants are planning large-scale attacks using children and livestock as suicide bombers. The attacks will be on “soft target” areas, or places where people gather such as restaurants and markets. 

Coordinator of Nigeria’s National Information Centre Mike Omeri said, "Available intelligence reports indicate a plan by Boko Haram to use young suicide bombers disguised as cobblers to hide explosives in their tool boxes and detonate them...” 

"Also, there is indication of a plan by this group to use livestock such as goats, cows, donkeys and camels laden with explosives to attack chosen targets," Omeri continued. 

The Christian Post reports that the Nigerian official warned civilians to use constant vigilance when in public places. 

Boko Haram killed over 9,000 people last year and left over 1 million homeless. The terrorist group is pushing to establish an Islamic caliphate in Nigeria. 

Publication date: February 3, 2015