Boko Haram Suicide Bombers Kill at Least 30 in Northeastern Nigeria

Boko Haram Suicide Bombers Kill at Least 30 in Northeastern Nigeria

At least 40 people were killed in a suicide bombing attack that authorities believe to be the work of terrorist group Boko Haram. 

Yahoo! News reports two female suicide bombers entered a fish market in Maiduguri disguised as beggars. One girl detonated the bomb strapped to her body, killing at least 30 people. The other girl left the crowd to detonate her bomb, killing only herself. 

Witnesses said many more people were injured. 

Boko Haram, an Islamic extremist group intent on a “religious cleansing” of Nigeria, has killed thousands of people since its inception. The group has attacked with increasing frequency since Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari announced the military command center was moving to Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram. 

Most recently, the group has expanded its violence outside of Nigeria to Niger and Chad. 

Publication date: June 23, 2015