Bomb Blast Kills Four in Nigeria

  • Kelly Givens Contributing Editor to
  • Updated May 20, 2014
Bomb Blast Kills Four in Nigeria

A suicide bomb blast on Sunday killed four people in the Christian-dominated Sabon Gari district of Kano, Nigeria, Mission Network News reports. Police suspect Boko Haram in behind the attack.

According to reports, the blast—which witnesses say was caused by a car bomb—could be heard several miles away. The group has claimed responsibility for two other explosions last month in the capital, Abuja, which killed more than 120 people and wounded more than 200. Boko Haram has been fighting for the implementation of Islamic law throughout Nigeria. The group has recently made national news for their abduction of over 200 schoolgirls.

Open Doors USA says the situation for Christians in Nigeria, particularly the 12 northern provinces governed by Islamic Sharia law, is growing more volatile and dangerous. “There is a concerted effort to destroy the testimony of Christ in northern Nigeria,” Ruth Kramer of Missions Network News writes. Pray that fellow believers in Nigeria will experience God’s peace and courage.

Publication Date: May 20, 2014.