Botched Late-Term Abortion Leaves Mother Dead

  • Religion Today
  • Published Feb 11, 2013
Botched Late-Term Abortion Leaves Mother Dead

Operation Rescue reports a 29-year-old woman died Feb. 7 after Maryland abortionist LeRoy Carhart botched her third-trimester abortion, according to WORLD News Service. Citing an anonymous source, the group says the woman, who was 33 weeks pregnant, arrived from out of state and was seen entering Carhart's facility, the Germantown Reproductive Health Center in Germantown, Md., every day between Sunday and Wednesday. The morning of Feb. 7, the woman began having chest pains and was unable to reach Carhart for help. Her family took her to a local hospital around 5 a.m. and she died about 9:30 a.m., having suffered massive internal hemorrhaging. The Maryland medical examiner is currently reviewing the case. Carhart is also associated with the 2005 death of Christin Gilbert, a 19-year-old girl with Down syndrome who died after undergoing a third-trimester abortion performed by Carhart at a facility in Wichita, Kan., where he worked at the time. Pro-life advocates plan to hold a prayer vigil near Carhart's Maryland facility on Monday.