British Boy Scouts Distance Themselves From God

  • Religion Today
  • Published Dec 10, 2012
British Boy Scouts Distance Themselves From God

Prospective Boy Scouts in Britain could soon be allowed to join the organization without pledging to uphold their "duty to God," WORLD News Service reports. A group of atheists, joined by TV adventurer and self-proclaimed Christian Bear Grylls, has asked the Scouts of Britain to consider providing an alternative Scout Promise for children who don't believe in God -- and many British Scout leaders see removing God as a step forward for the organization. "We are a values-based organization and exploring faith and religion will remain a key element of the Scouting programme," Wayne Bulpitt, the association's chief commissioner, told the British newspaper The Hillingdon Times. "However, throughout our 105-year history, we have continued to evolve so that we remain relevant to communities across the UK." Alternative versions of the oath for other faith groups -- including Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists -- have already existed for more than 40 years, according to The Times. In 1991, UK Scout executives decided it was discriminatory for the Boy Scouts to deny membership to girls, and vice versa, allowing equal access for girls and boys into any of its programs.