British Columbia Considers Removing Sex from Birth Certificates

British Columbia Considers Removing Sex from Birth Certificates

British Columbia has agreed to consider removing sex from birth certificates after a group of activists called birth certificates including a baby’s sex discriminatory. According to CTV News, activist group Trans Alliance Society (TAS) argued that people who are assigned to one gender on their birth certificate but identify as another are more likely to face discrimination and bullying. 

TAS chair Morgane Oger said, "Birth certificates are supposed to be… things that don't change, whereas gender identity is… something that can change in some individuals.” 

Hot Air reports that that Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia responded to the complaint with a promise to consider removing sex from birth certificates.

A statement from the Tribunal said, “The Human Rights Tribunal in British Columbia will consider completely eliminating gender designations from birth certificates in response to complaints from the Trans Alliance Society (TAS) and other transgender individuals.” 

Publication date: June 1, 2015