California Bill Would Ban Therapy for Gay Teens

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jan 04, 2013
California Bill Would Ban Therapy for Gay Teens

Minors with unwanted same-sex attractions could be prevented from receiving "reparative therapy" to combat their desires if California Gov. Jerry Brown signs a ban into law this month, Baptist Press reports. In a first-of-its-kind legislation, California would prohibit even parents who want their children to receive counseling. As gay-advocacy group Equality California sees it, "This abusive practice known as 'reparative therapy' or 'conversion therapy' is not based on science, but on homophobia and a callous disregard for the harm it causes to vulnerable youth." The measure, SB 1172, passed the state senate August 30 on a Democrat-led party-line vote of 22-12 after a similar vote in the state assembly. It is unclear whether Brown, a Democrat, will sign the bill before a Sept. 30 deadline. The pro-family Pacific Justice Institute has led the fight against the legislation and has vowed to file suit if it is signed into law. "We have never seen this level of restriction, prohibition and intrusion in the name of LGBT rights," said Brad Dacus, Pacific Justice Institute president. "We intend to vigorously pursue legal action if this unprecedented attack on family decision-making is signed into law."