California High School Students Opposed to LGBT Agenda Shamed in Classroom

California High School Students Opposed to LGBT Agenda Shamed in Classroom

A California high school is facing criticism for publicly shaming students who did not agree with some LGBT rights.

According to reports, the Queer Straight Alliance at Acalanes High School visited several ninth-grade English classes at the end of January to talk about LGBT issues. During the lecture, students were asked about their beliefs and their parents’ beliefs on homosexuality, said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute.

"The QSA had students step forward to demonstrate whether they believed that being gay was a choice and whether their parents would be accepting if they came out as gay," PJI attorney Matthew McReynolds said. "Students who did not step forward were ridiculed and humiliated."

Also during the class, the Queer Student Alliance had students line up to create a “gender spectrum.”

"It was an exercise in gender fluidity," the parent of one child told Charisma News. "They told the students that one day they could come to school feeling like a boy and the next day they could come to school feeling like a girl."

"It was a public outing," another parent said. "My child is being raised in a family with conservative values. We are a Christian family. What bothers me the most is the school is being dishonest and secretive about what's happening. My son's value system and our belief system is not being respected on a many levels."

The district’s superintendent told Charisma News that the lecture was meant to teach tolerance.

"The classroom instruction in question was part of a tolerance workshop led by peer educators under the supervision of teachers," said Superintendent John Nickerson.

Publication date: February 10, 2015