Canada: Single Syrian Men Barred from Entering Country

Canada: Single Syrian Men Barred from Entering Country

Canada has decided to restrict its welcome of Syrian refugees to women, children, and families, and to bar single men from entering.

The Blaze reports that single men will not be part of the refugee program the Canadian government is expected to announce on Tuesday.

Currently, Canada is screening about 100 people per day in Lebanon with the goal of bringing 25,000 refugees into the country by the end of the year.

Canada was expected to move forward with their refugee resettlement plan despite the warning of Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, who called on the government to suspend plans to bring so many refugees into the country in such a short time.

Wall said that bringing in so many refugees on such short notice could lead to rushed security checks which could prove dangerous for national security.

“The recent attacks in Paris are a grim reminder of the death and destruction even a small number of malevolent individuals can inflict upon a peaceful country and its citizens,” Wall wrote. “Surely, we do not want to be date-driven or numbers-driven in an endeavor that may affect the safety of our citizens and the security of our country.”

The Canadian government has apparently listened to Wall’s warning.

Other nations continue to debate whether to accept refugees. The debate has intensified after it was revealed that at least two of the suspects in the Paris terrorist attacks had entered Europe claiming to be Syrian refugees.

Publication date: November 23, 2015