Canadian Bus Driver Fired for Refusing to Drive Gay Pride Bus

Canadian Bus Driver Fired for Refusing to Drive Gay Pride Bus

A Canadian bus driver claims he was fired for refusing to drive a rainbow bus that promoted a gay pride event in Calgary. Jesse Rau says driving the bus that promoted homosexuality would have been against his religious beliefs. 

The driver said that he knew he was risking losing his job by refusing to drive the bus. 

"I expected that my job was totally on the line. The fact that they fired me, it's hurtful, but… I knew that was on the table,” Rau said. 

The city of Calgary argues that Rau was not fired for his refusal, but for violating the city’s media relations policy. 

Rau’s termination letter read, "To be clear you are entitled to your religious beliefs and to express them freely. However, you went beyond that and made false and misleading comments during various media interviews, which resulted in undue controversy and put the reputation of the city at risk."

Transit Director Doug Morgan said, "What we want to do is make sure when statements are made publicly that they reflect truthfulness in the corporation and the values put forward by the city of Calgary and council.”

According to The Christian Post, the Calgary transit department will now ask drivers if they want to drive the rainbow bus. 

Rau said, “That’s awesome. That’s how it should have been in the first place.”

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Publication date: September 14, 2015