Catholic College Approves Pro-ISIS Club

Catholic College Approves Pro-ISIS Club

Students at Barry University reported gained approval to start a pro-ISIS club on campus. Charisma News reports the students were not true ISIS supporters, but investigating for Project Veritas, an organization that exposes corruption and misconduct on college campuses. 

The students, lead by a Barry University honors student named Laura, called  their fictional club “Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.” In a video, the students documented the process of gaining approval to start the “humanitarian” club at the Catholic university. 

The idea was presented to Derek Bley, coordinator for leadership development and student organizations at Barry University, who did not question the club’s intent to help ISIS terrorists and their families through funding and care packages. 

“We’re not here to limit people and their clubs. If there is a demand or a need that students have to do this, we’re here to support that,” Bley said. 

Other administrators said that the group’s name would be a problem. Daisy Santiago, Barry University international and multicultural programs coordinator suggested calling the club “Sympathetic Students in Support of the Middle East” instead of using ISIS in the name. 

Project Veritas Founder said, "It is disturbing to see our nation's university system festooned with professors and administrators that are sympathetic to ISIS. First, we saw this horrifying support at Cornell University and now we have numerous officials at Barry taking things even further. As demonstrated at Cornell and Barry, our nation's university system is being overrun by those who subscribe to ivory-tower political correctness and that is truly dangerous to our nation and our nation's students. It is time to stop looking the other way and address this very serious issue."

Publication date: March 31, 2015