Catholic Network to Launch New Pro-Life Show Friday

Catholic Network to Launch New Pro-Life Show Friday

A new pro-life program is set to air this week on EWTN Global Catholic Network. The half-hour weekly program will feature pro-life guests and will educate viewers on action steps to be taken to further the pro-life cause.

The Blaze reports that the program has already aired a special coverage episode a few weeks ago for the March for Life.

Catherine Szeltner, the host of the program, stated that “there really is no other television show like this,” adding that the program “will be dedicated to giving our viewers pro-life updates.”

The pro-life movement has seen a surge in popularity lately, spurred on by a Republican-controlled White House and Congress and proposed efforts to defund abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

“A lot of our viewers are very motivated already, but this will show them, here’s what you can do about it,” said Szeltner.

Szeltner also said that each show will include a “call to action” to let pro-life viewers know what action steps they can take to advance the movement.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, also praised the program, saying it is “not just a show, [but] a show that would enable a really strong impact on the outcome of policy.”


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Publication date: March 1, 2017