Catholic Priest Shot Dead in DRC as Christian Persecution Increases

Catholic Priest Shot Dead in DRC as Christian Persecution Increases

A Catholic priest has been shot and killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo--the most recent incident in a series of incidents targeting Christians. reports that Father Joseph Mulimbi Nguli, 52, was shot and killed by unidentified attackers as he was returning home to Katuba, in the southern DRC.

Violence against Christians is common in the DRC, and many Christians live in fear.

Another horrific incident occurred back in August when Islamic jihadists tied 36 people up and then hacked them to death. The Islamist Allied Democratic Forces--National Association for the Liberation of Uganda often target Christians.

Christian persecution ministry Open Doors reports that many Christians in the country are living in “misery” due to the attacks which have made many fearful even to tend their farms, which has led to many going hungry.

World Watch Monitor, another Christian persecution ministry, reports that killings, rapes, and lootings are weekly occurrences in the DRC.

"We do not understand why this is happening to us," said one pastor. "The rebels just take people into the bush to kill them or kidnap them. They attack one place for a while and cause people to run away. Then they strike the places people run to."


Publication date: October 25, 2016