Catholic University Sued Over Muslim Students' Rights

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Oct 31, 2011
Catholic University Sued Over Muslim Students' Rights

A law professor at George Washington University has filed charges against the Catholic University of America (CUA) for not providing Muslim students with prayer rooms free of crosses and Catholic symbols, according to the Religion News Service. "It shouldn't be too difficult somewhere on the campus for the university to set aside a small room where Muslims can pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross of Jesus," said John F. Banzhaf III, who earlier filed charges over CUA's switch to same-sex dorms. Banzhaf also complained that CUA did not sponsor a Muslim student association even though it sponsored a Jewish one. (The university does have an Arab American Association, founded this fall by Muslim student Wiaam al Salmi.) "The community here is very respectful of other religions and I feel free to openly practice it," Salmi said. No CUA students have registered complaints about the exercise of their religions on campus, but a spokesman said the university would respond if any allegations were made. The D.C. Office of Human Rights has begun an investigation of the university, which could take as long as six months.