Cheerleaders Banned From Using Religious Banners at Texas High School

  • Religion Today
  • Published Sep 20, 2012
Cheerleaders Banned From Using Religious Banners at Texas High School

A national legal group is investigating claims that a Texas school district censored religious speech on student-made banners at football games, CBN News reports. Cheerleaders at Kountze High School were told they could not use Bible verses on signs they created for the football team to run through after an anonymous complaint was made to the school's superintendent. One banner in question read "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Phil. 4:13." The Liberty Institute, a nonprofit legal group dedicated to defending religious liberties, is investigating the Kountze Independent School District's move. "We are disappointed that Kountze ISD is banning student speech on banners because it is from a religious viewpoint," said attorney David Starnes. "Such discrimination and censorship is unfortunate and illegal. Once we complete our investigation, we will take appropriate action." A Facebook page created in support of the cheerleaders and their signs already has more than 35,000 supporters, and some parents have even created T-shirts and signs to display around the area.