Chick-fil-A Opens on Sunday to Serve Orlando Residents

Chick-fil-A Opens on Sunday to Serve Orlando Residents

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting that took the lives of 49 people and injured over 50 others, businesses are offering help to Orlando residents.

One such business is Christian fast food chain Chick-fil-A. The restaurant opened on Sunday when it is normally closed to bring free chicken sandwiches and iced tea to Orlando residents who were at the One Blood donation center, donating blood to victims of the shooting.

Chick-fil-A has been criticized in the past for its commitment to traditional marriage. The views of the company’s Christian owners have even led some, such as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, to encourage New Yorkers to boycott the restaurant for its “anti-gay” stance.

Pulse nightclub where the shooting took place advertised itself as “the hottest gay bar” in Orlando, which has caused Vianna Vaughan at the DC Gazette to sardonically remark “But, wait, those people were waiting to give blood to victims that were mostly gay people. Doesn’t Chick Fil A hate gays? That’s what we kept being told.”

“Turns out, that while the founders definitely don’t approve of that choice of lifestyle, they believe in compassion,” Vaughan continued. “Who knew?”

Other businesses are also offering to help those affected by the shooting. Airline JetBlue is offering free flights for family members of victims. 

"We want to do our part to help the victims of this tragedy, as well as support the Orlando community through this difficult time," JetBlue said on its website, according to ABC 7 News. "This weekend's events are felt by all of our 19,000 crewmembers, many of whom live in, work from and travel through Orlando."

Publication date: June 14, 2016