China Earthquake Kills 400, Thousands of Homes Destroyed

China Earthquake Kills 400, Thousands of Homes Destroyed

A magnitude-6.1 earthquake shook China on Sunday, causing hundreds of deaths and devastation in the southern Yunnan province. 

398 people are known to have died in the natural disaster, while 1,800 sustained injuries. 12,000 homes collapsed in Ludian county, an area 230 miles northeast of the province’s capital, Kunming.

Aftershocks continue to rock the region, making relief efforts difficult. Many roads have caved in on themselves making travel by car impossible for volunteers.

Relief volunteer Ma Yaoqi said the town of Longtou saw the most devastation. According to Ma, half of the buildings in the region had fallen down completely; those that remained standing were damaged. 

"I saw dead bodies being wrapped in quilts and carried away. Some were wrapped with small quilts. Those must be kids,” Ma said. 

The death toll from the earthquake is expected to rise as relief efforts continue. 

Publication date: August 4, 2014