China, Middle Eastern Nations Ban 'Noah'

China, Middle Eastern Nations Ban 'Noah'

The recent historical epic Noah disappointed many Christian viewers across the nation for not following the biblical account of the flood narrative, but now the film has encountered rough seas in China. An anonymous source told the publication Darren Aronofsky’s Noah has been banned in China for being too religious.

According to the Hollywood Reporter China is the second largest film market.

The $125 million film that features Oscar-winners Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins is problematic because Islam forbids religious figures depicted in art or movies.

Malaysia joined several Middle Eastern nations and neighboring Indonesia on Thursday, banning Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic Noah as a "precaution" over its perceived violations of Islamic law.

The Film Censorship Board of Malaysia, along with several other Middle Eastern nations, also banned the film that stars Russell Crowe claiming themes in the movie contradicted Islamic law.

"Censors for Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE (United Arab Emirates) officially confirmed this week that the film will not release in their countries," a representative of Paramount Pictures told Reuters. "The official statement they offered in confirming this news is because 'it contradicts the teachings of Islam.'"

Reuters reports Paramount officials are anticipating a similar ban in Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait.

A film that cost $125 million to produce has grossed slightly more than $300 million in worldwide box office sales – only $125 million represents earnings from North America.


Publication date: May 12, 2014