China: Seminary Students Forced to Deny God, Obey Communist Party

China: Seminary Students Forced to Deny God, Obey Communist Party

Seminary students in China are being forced to have “absolute obedience” to the Communist Party and to deny God.

A correspondent from China Aid, a persecution watchdog group, said in a report that there is video of seminary students in a graduation ceremony at Zhejiag Theological Seminary singing the Chinese anthem.

“It is obvious the seminary has generated into absolute obedience to the Communist Party’s so-called Christian pastors’ education base, becoming a Communist Party school dressed in the cloak of Christianity,” the correspondent Guo Baosheng said.

"In this way, they submit to Caesar and [operate] contrary to God. They distort the true way [to God], and [these actions] will certainly accelerate the demise of the Three-Self Church and its seminary."

According to reports, the seminary’s president, Pastor Pan Xingwang, is an advocate for the cross demolition campaign and has encouraged Christians not to fight the government.

"Over the past year, within the Christian churches of Zhejiang, something took place that we do not want to see, and we do not want to hear,” Pan said at the 2016 spring semester opening ceremony. “Please learn this lesson and pray for the churches, remind students to be more alert, make a clear faith, care for the churches, respect the law and be good shepherds of the new era."

China is set to become the largest Christian country in the world by 2030 with about 200 million Chinese believers.

Publication date: July 27, 2016