Chinese Pastor Faces 10 Years in Prison for Protesting Cross Removal

Chinese Pastor Faces 10 Years in Prison for Protesting Cross Removal

A Chinese pastor could receive a 10-year prison sentence for protesting China’s cross removal campaign. 

Huang Yizi is accused of “gathering to assault a state organ.”

Christian Today reports Huang arranged a protest against the removal of a cross from Salvation Church in Wenzhou. In the July 21 protest, 1,000 church members formed a human shield around the church to prevent a crane from coming in and removing the religious symbol. The cross was later taken down on August 14. 

Huang posted on his personal blog that the cross removal campaign was an act of “severe persecution.” 

The pastor said he is willing to go to prison in order to defend his faith. 

"I have decided to sacrifice for my beliefs. I am serious. I have been prepared for the worst since I posted many messages opposing the authorities' campaign to remove churches and crosses.”

"I know I will be put in jail one day. The authorities detained me twice in April, but they released me under public pressure. That just meant the time was not yet right."

Crosses have been removed from at least 229 churches in China. The Chinese government continues to persecute Christians, as demolition notices have been served to over 100 churches. 

Publication date: August 27, 2014