Chinese Pastor’s Family Comes to Faith after He is Miraculously Healed

Chinese Pastor’s Family Comes to Faith after He is Miraculously Healed

A Chinese pastor who was miraculously healed from a lifelong illness shared how the miracle caused his entire family to give their lives to Christ.

Pastor Zhang Heng, director of China Gospel Mission and senior pastor of Zaidao Church in Beijing, China, shared his story with those gathered for the Movement Day Global Cities event in New York City.

According to The Christian Post, Heng explained that he had been plagued with an undiagnosed medical condition throughout his childhood. The illness left him paralyzed and he often felt discouraged and even contemplated taking his own life.

In 1979, in desperation, Heng cried out to God who sent a preacher to tell him about Jesus.

The preacher shared the gospel with Heng, telling him of the forgiveness and healing Jesus offered.

"I was not too much concerned about forgiveness, all I was concerned about was my own health," Heng confessed to laughter.

But because he was so desperate, Heng listened to the preacher and prayed and fasted.

“[O]n the seventh day, the Lord healed me,” he testified. “I rose up and walked.

Heng’s family was so shocked and amazed to see him walking that they put their faith in Christ as well.

"The whole family saw this and just knelt down to pray to receive the Lord as their personal savior," he said to applause.

Now, years later, Heng is influencing others for Christ. He started a church and later a nationwide network that sent missionaries out to preach in other provinces.

Heng also shared how Christians are frequently persecuted in China. Heng himself spent three years in prison for his faith.

Nevertheless, he said, the church is continuing to grow in China and God is working. There are an estimated 100 million Christians in the country.


Publication date: October 27, 2016