Chris Christie's Campaign Gains Traction as He Surges in New Hampshire Polls

Chris Christie's Campaign Gains Traction as He Surges in New Hampshire Polls

Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey governor Chris Christie has made a significant jump in polls with Republican voters in the state of New Hampshire.

The Washington Examiner reports that Christie had been in ninth place in New Hampshire, a state which holds a key role in Republican primary elections. He has now jumped to fourth place and is polling in the double digits.

Frontrunner Donald Trump is holding steady in the polls at 27 percent support among New Hampshire Republicans, but Christie’s leap to 10 percent support may mark an important positive change for his campaign.

According to the Washington Examiner, other candidates who are polling above five percent in New Hampshire, besides Christie and Trump, are Ted Cruz (13 percent), Ben Carson (nine percent), John Kasich (nine percent), and Carly Fiorina (six percent).

Christie emphasizes his no-nonsense approach to taking on the government in Washington D.C. and to dealing with issues like national security. He also emphasizes his experience as the two-term governor of New Jersey.

Christie’s campaign had seemed to lag a couple months ago when he was not polling high enough to earn a place on the main Republican debate stage, but currently he holds the highest favorability rating in New Hampshire of any candidate--61 percent-22 percent.

The New Hampshire primary is February 9, 2016.

Publication date: December 4, 2015