Christian Demoted for Posting Gay Marriage Stance on Facebook

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Oct 25, 2011
Christian Demoted for Posting Gay Marriage Stance on Facebook

Adrian Smith, a housing manager in Manchester, England, got a pay cut and demotion after sharing his beliefs against gay marriage in a post on his personal Facebook page, the Christian Post reports. Some of Smith's coworkers who were his Facebook friends complained to the Trafford Housing Trust after Smith wrote that "marriage is for men and women" and that gay marriage was "an equality too far." Following a disciplinary hearing, he was demoted from his managerial position and his salary was cut by 40 percent. He was also forced to remove his comments, and he is now suing the company, saying his free speech rights were violated and that the punishment was inappropriate. One of his attorneys said, "Even those who disagree with his opinions will surely agree that he has been treated badly," but the Trafford Housing Trust asserts that it will "vigorously defend its position" when it meets with Smith in court.