Christian Groups Working to Designate Homeland for Persecuted Christians

Christian Groups Working to Designate Homeland for Persecuted Christians

A couple of Christian groups are advocating for the creation of a homeland of security and refuge for persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

According to, the Philos Project and In Defense of Christians are partnering together in working to establish a safe haven for Christians who have been persecuted and displaced in the Middle East, due to the Syrian civil war and terrorist groups such as ISIS.

Advocates for persecuted Christians recently gathered in Washington, D.C. to raise awareness about the genocide Middle East Christians are facing and to put forth possible solutions to this crisis.

Robert Nicholson, president of the Philos Project and the keynote speaker at the event, stated, "We all feel the temptation to stay out of it and mind our own business... But minding our business is simply not an option.”

"Everyone wants to help Christians with aid, but until now there has been no structure through which to deliver it – no address to mail the check," Nicholson continued. "Christians in the Middle East will only be safe when they have a protected homeland, a foundation on which to build their shattered society.”

Some critics say establishing a homeland in the Middle East for persecuted Christians is not feasible, but advocates point to the success of this concept with other countries.

"History has shown us various examples of this concept working in practice, of minority peoples under existential threat surviving and thriving by securing territory: Israel, Armenia, Iraqi Kurdistan, even (to a far less satisfactory degree) Native American reservations in the U.S.," Nicholson said.


Publication date: September 12, 2016