Christian Headmaster of School Beaten by Muslim Co-workers for His Faith

Christian Headmaster of School Beaten by Muslim Co-workers for His Faith

The headmaster of a school in Pakistan was badly beaten and abused by his Muslim co-workers.

Christian Today reports that Saddique Azam’s position as Headmaster of Pernawa village school has been an issue of controversy since he was promoted to the position three months ago.

Azam is a Christian and his Muslim co-workers didn’t approve of his faith and didn’t think a Christian should have a position of authority over them.

“You are a Christian and Choora so how can you be Headmaster and our senior?” they derided Azam as they verbally and physically abused him.

Christian Today reports that “Choora” is a derogatory term used for those of the Christian faith in Pakistan.

The Muslim attackers tried to threaten and beat Azam into resigning, but he did not give in to their demands.

Police were called in to address the situation. They arrested the three Muslim teachers, but did not file a report documenting the incident, so no charges have been leveled against Azam’s attackers. 

Publication date: October 7, 2015