Christian Humanitarian Group Says Iraq Future Looks Grim

Christian Humanitarian Group Says Iraq Future Looks Grim

Humanitarian group Christian Aid, partnered with REACH, is supplying tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees with needed food, clothing and hygiene items. The organization has now reported that the situation is currently overwhelming and the future looks grim. 

Anne Ward, Christians Aid’s consultant to Iraq said, "The numbers of people are overwhelming the government here as well as the aid agencies and local Kurdish agencies. The people need everything from clothes and shoes to basics such as food and babies' diapers."

Many refugees have lost all personal possessions. Many families have seen family members killed, raped or kidnapped at the hands of Islamic State. 

Ward said, "There are great psychological effects of displacement. Long-term it looks terrible. IS is so well mobilised, so entrenched. We don't anticipate them going anywhere quickly. IS have planted bombs. Before anyone goes home, their villages will have to be cleared of unexploded ordinances."

Christian Aid has reached out to Yazidis, Shia Shabak and Shia Turkmen, in addition to Christians in Iraq.

Publication date: August 25, 2014