Christian Leaders Remember Nancy Reagan

Christian Leaders Remember Nancy Reagan

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan died Sunday at the age of 94. According to NBC News, the cause of death was congestive heart failure. She passed peacefully in her sleep. 

Reagan is preceded in death by her husband former President Ronald Reagan, who died on June 5, 2004. The couple enjoyed 52 years of marriage

People around the world are mourning the loss of Reagan, including Christian leaders. Many have written memorial tributes to the influential First Lady: 

Rev. Billy Graham said, "I was privileged to know Nancy and Ronald Reagan for more than 50 years and greatly valued their friendship. I am saddened by the news of Nancy's passing. She will be greatly missed, and I look forward to being reunited some day in the future in heaven. One of Nancy's most wonderful qualities was her steadfast and loyal support for her husband. She was an extraordinary first lady."

From Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, "Nancy Reagan will be remembered for her deep passion for this nation and love for her husband, Ronald. The Reagan family is in our prayers."

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said, "Today our nation mourns the loss of Nancy Reagan, a true example of integrity and grace. My prayers are with the entire Reagan family." founder Pastor Robert A. Crutchfield responded, “First we lost Justice Scalia, now this morning we learned that Nancy Reagan passed away from congestive heart failure. In less than a month Christian Americans, Conservative Americans, and our nation’s cultural heritage lost a huge portion of our hearts. Even many among those who disagreed with her husband’s politics respected Nancy Reagan as a woman of class and dignity. As an actress she gave us many hours of entertainment. As First Lady she made us proud. May God’s comfort and strength be with her family, and many friends as they travel through their grief. My thoughts, prayers, and condolences go out to them all.”

Publication date: March 7, 2016