Christian Leaders Respond to Deadly Manchester Bombing

Christian Leaders Respond to Deadly Manchester Bombing

The death toll after a terror attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK yesterday has risen to 22, with over 50 people injured.

Police do not yet know who the perpetrator of the attack was, but it is being investigated as a suicide attack and an act of terrorism. Police have one man in custody.

In the wake of this horrific incident which is being mourned around the world, Christian leaders spoke out.

Evangelist Franklin Graham tweeted:


Christian author and speaker Eric Metaxas retweeted a post from Anne Carlson Kennedy about praying for the victims of the Manchester attack, accompanied by an article on the difference of thoughts versus prayers:



Anthony Bradley, a professor of theology and religion studies at The King's College tweeted:



Pastor Eugene Cho tweeted:



Christian author Trillia Newbell retweeted Pastor Cho's sentiments, saying she, too, was praying.



Christian author and blogger Sarah Bessey, who is from the UK, tweeted: 



Christian author Ed Cyzewski tweeted: 



Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse expressed Americans' solidarity with Brits in this time of mourning: 



The UK's Prime Minister Theresa May, who identifies as a Christian issued a statement following the attack. “We are working to establish the full details of what is being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack,” May said. “All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected.”


Photo: Police avacuate the Arndale Centre on May 23, 2017 in Manchester, England. An explosion occurred at Manchester Arena as concert goers were leaving the venue after Ariana Grande had performed. Greater Manchester Police are treating the explosion as a terrorist attack and have confirmed 22 fatalities and 59 injured. 

Photo courtesy: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Publication date: May 23, 2017