Christian Organizations Labeled as Hate Groups on Charity Research Site

Christian Organizations Labeled as Hate Groups on Charity Research Site

Several Christian organizations that advocate for traditional marriage have been labeled hate groups on the charity research site GuideStar. Christianity Today reports that the hate group label was assigned to the organizations by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and then picked up by the charity research site, displayed in a banner at the top of the page. 

Some of the Christian nonprofits that were labeled hate groups included the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), Liberty Counsel, Family Research Council (FRC), and the American Family Association. 

Some other organizations that the SPLC has named hate groups include the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, and Nation of Islam. 

Over 40 organizations now are listed as hate groups on GuideStar. In response, dozens of conservative leaders wrote to the web site this week to protest the unfair label.  

A GuideStar spokesman said that the company would review the labels, and reconsider how SPLC data is displayed on the site. 

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel chairman said, “The only purpose of providing the SPLC false and dangerous ‘hate group’ label is to push a liberal political agenda designed to hurt good organizations.” 


Photo credit: GuideStar screen shot