Christian Parliamentarian Receives Death Threats in Pakistan

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Dec 07, 2012
Christian Parliamentarian Receives Death Threats in Pakistan

April 20, 2012

Christian Pakistani parliament member Saleem Khursheed Khokhar, president of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance in Sindh, has requested additional security after receiving death threats for speaking on behalf of the country's Christian community, the Pakistan Christian Post reports. In a security plea to the Interior Ministry of Pakistan, Khokhar wrote: "As you are aware, the important public officials and members of the provincial and national assemblies, even the provincial governors, are not safe and are victim of [Pakistan's] blasphemy law. Recently, the governor of Punjab, the Honorable Salman Taseer, was killed by one of the guard because he was favoring a Christian lady, namely Asia [Bibi], who has been sentenced to death on accusation of blasphemy of Prophet Muhammad." Khokhar went on to detail the threats to his life he received after speaking out for the rights of downtrodden Christians in Sindh, and requested that he be promptly given protection by the state.