Christian University Wins Court Battle over Sexual Ethics

Christian University Wins Court Battle over Sexual Ethics

A Canadian appeals court has ruled in favor of a Christian law school in a lawsuit about the school’s views toward homosexuality.

According to, Trinity Western University located in British Columbia, Canada has a “community covenant” which states that students are not to have sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage.

British Columbia’s law society alleged that the school was discriminating against members of the LGBT community through its policy regarding traditional marriage and sexual ethics.

"While we accept that approval of [Trinity Western's] law school has, in principle, a detrimental impact on LGBTQ equality rights, because the number of law school places would not be equally open to all students, the impact on applications made... by LGBTQ students would be insignificant in real terms,” said the Appeals court of British Columbia in the ruling.

The judges in the case said that because of religious freedom, Trinity Western has the prerogative to enforce their “community covenant.”

"This case demonstrates that a well-intentioned majority acting in the name of tolerance and liberalism can, if unchecked, impose its views on the minority in a manner that is in, itself, intolerant and illiberal,” they said.

There is still some pushback against the school, such as Ontario’s Appeals Court upholding a ruling against the school that aims at denying recognition to its graduates. Most provinces and their governing bodies, however, accept credentials from Trinity Western.


Publication date: November 1, 2016