Christian Vloggers Sam and Nia Announce New Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Christian Vloggers Sam and Nia Announce New Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Christian vloggers Sam and Nia Rader have announced a new pregnancy with a video on their YouTube channel. 

The couple previously sparked controversy after releasing a pregnancy announcement video that racked up over 15 million views followed by the announcement of their miscarriage days later. Critics speculated that the Raders made up the pregnancy in an effort to gain attention, according to Christian Today.

Controversy then followed the couple when Sam Rader admitted to having a membership to adultery website Ashley Madison and later was kicked out of Seattle’s Vlogger Fair for allegedly threatening two other bloggers. 

Sam said amid the controversy, "The un-acceptance that this world has shown our family has actually been a blessing to me. Let me explain. It seems as though the media out there, all the articles being written about us, are trying to put us in a bad light for the most part. And I feel like those are the ones that represent the world. And it makes me think of the verse John 15:19: If you are of the world, the world will love you as its own. But because you are not of the world, but I have chose you from the world, the world hates you."

He said that God told them they would be hated. 

"This is what God told us is going to happen, so I can't help but let it excite me. Every time I read these articles, not a single article has got me down. In fact, I'm laughing about them, for the most part. It's just like this huge reminder that God chose our family, so we're getting this hatred. That's just what comes with being a Christian and being a God-filled family."

In the new video, the couple surprises both of their mothers with a literal bun in the oven. Sam Rader told People magazine that they estimate Nia is about eight weeks pregnant. 

He said, "We believe life begins at conception and we believe it's to be celebrated right away. We don't believe it's something to be hidden… We were excited right away and we wanted to share that with our fans." 

The couple wrote on their Facebook page, “We feel beyond blessed that God has given us another baby so soon after suffering a miscarriage. I think our moms were just as thankful."

Publication date: October 26, 2015