Christian Woman "Sorry" She Felt Need to Destroy Satanic Display at Florida Capitol

Christian Woman "Sorry" She Felt Need to Destroy Satanic Display at Florida Capitol

A woman who vandalized a satanic display inside Florida’s capitol has apologized for destroying the display.

The Christian Post reports Susan Hemeryck, 54, said she had to take the piece down because its placement next to the nativity was “not right.”

Hemeryck was wearing a Catholic Warrior T-shirt when she was arrested after she damaged the display last week. She was charged with criminal mischief and released without bail.

"Hemeryck … told a pair of Florida Department of Law Enforcement Capitol Police officers she was 'sorry and had to take down the satanic display' about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday because it was 'not right.'"

Said Americans United in a statement: "It's important to remember that free speech in an open forum is for all groups, even those whose message some deem controversial or unpopular. Our attorneys fought hard for our clients to win the right to display their diorama in the Capitol rotunda, and we don't intend to buckle under to this type of senseless destruction."

Last year, the Satanic Temple requested to display an atheist display next to the manger. Their initial request was denied, but then the Satanic Temple was granted its request to have a fallen angel displayed.

Publication date: December 29, 2014