Christians in Egypt Worry as Elections Near

  • Religion Today
  • Published May 21, 2012
Christians in Egypt Worry as Elections Near

As Egyptians prepare to vote May 23 in the first post-Mubarak elections, the country's minority Christians are deeply worried, fearing their situation may go from bad to worse, CBS News reports. Thirteen candidates from all over the political spectrum are running, but the two frontrunners are hard-line Islamists -- and Christians don't think any of the candidates are capable of protecting their community or making them a priority. "We see that in neighboring countries with Islamic leaders, Christians aren't safe," said Pola Marqus, a Coptic priest. "So we're concerned about getting an Islamist president too." Since Egypt's "Arab Spring" revolution began a year and a half ago, Islamic politicians and parties have flourished, and more than 100,000 Christians have already fled the Muslim-majority country.