Christians in Iraq Feel Failed by Government

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Nov 20, 2012
Christians in Iraq Feel Failed by Government

Ongoing violence against Christians in Iraq has led to a recent accelerated exodus of believers, adding to hundreds of thousands who have left during the last 10 years, according to Christian Today. 1991, there were an estimated one million Christians in Iraq; by 2003 there were 850,000 and by the summer of 2011 there were only 345,000 -- and that number is decreasing every month as Christians suffering harassment and violence are seeking refuge. "Iraqi Christians feel that the government fails to give them the security and freedom to worship in peace," said Jerry Dykstra of Open Doors USA. "Countless Christians have been threatened, robbed, raped, kidnapped or killed. Just because the U.S. troops are leaving does not mean we can ignore the ongoing violence and lack of protection of Christians inside Iraq."