Christians in Nepal Attacked as Constitutional Deadline Nears

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Dec 07, 2012
Christians in Nepal Attacked as Constitutional Deadline Nears

November 29, 2011

Two years after an explosion shook one of the biggest Catholic churches in Nepal and killed three people, the underground group that orchestrated the attack claimed responsibility for another bomb blast in front of the office of the United Mission to Nepal, a leading Christian charity in Kathmandu, Compass Direct News reports. There were no casualties, but police found leaflets at the site asserting that Nepal should be a Hindu state. On the same day in a nearby predominantly Buddhist village, local residents assaulted two brothers for leading worship services at their home. Meanwhile, the government is due to put forth a new draft of its constitution Wednesday, which says that although people would have the freedom to follow any religion, conversions would be prohibited. "With conversions still deemed a crime ... we feel that the draft retains the bias towards Christians," said Chandra Shrestha, pasor of an evangelical church. "This is a direct violation of our fundamental right to practice whatever religion we want."