Christie and Huckabee Won’t be on Main Stage in Tuesday’s GOP Debate

Christie and Huckabee Won’t be on Main Stage in Tuesday’s GOP Debate

Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee have not made the cut to be on the main stage in the next Republican debate.

ABC News reports that both Christie and Huckabee are averaging 2.25 percent in the polls. The rules for the November 10 debate state that, to participate, candidates must average 2.5 percent or higher in the polls.

The eight candidates who will be on the main debate stage are Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Rand Paul.

The candidates who will be in the earlier debate are Christie and Huckabee, as well as Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum.

Some candidates did not average high enough numbers in the polls to be part of either debate.

Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, and Jim Gilmore did not qualify for either debate, and Gilmore has not qualified for any of the previous debates.

Some have commented that there are too many Republican candidates. The New York Times Matthew Dowd notes that Republicans fall into one of four categories: “the establishment, Tea Party folks, libertarians, and social conservatives,” and no one has been able to unite these four, thus there are many candidates who fall under the title “Republican.”

The next GOP debate will take place this Tuesday, November 10 at 9 p.m EST in Milwaukee, WI. 

Photo courtesy: Salem Radio Network

Publication date: November 6, 2015