Poll: Christmas Music Enjoyed by 70 Percent of Americans

  • Religion Today
  • Published Dec 19, 2012
Poll: Christmas Music Enjoyed by 70 Percent of Americans

Christmas music is nearly inescapable every December -- and according to a new LifeWay Research study, most Americans enjoy it, Baptist Press reports. According to the poll, 70 percent of Americans enjoy hearing Christmas music in December and 86 percent believe school choirs and bands should be allowed to perform religious Christmas music. However, 21 percent said the prevalence of Christmas music in December is "overdone," and 7 percent find it "annoying." More than eight in 10 Americans who consider themselves to be a born-again, evangelical or fundamentalist Christian say they find the prevalence of Christmas music enjoyable, compared to 59 percent of those who "never" attend religious services. When it comes to the type of Christmas music, 67 percent enjoy listening to "both secular and religious songs," 11 percent enjoy only "secular" songs and 6 percent only enjoy "religious" songs. One in 10 Americans say they prefer not to hear any Christmas music.