Church Files Lawsuit against California for Mandating Healthcare That Includes Abortions

Church Files Lawsuit against California for Mandating Healthcare That Includes Abortions

A California church is filing a lawsuit against the California Department of Managed Health Care for forcing it to purchase a health care plan that includes provisions for voluntary and elective abortions.

Christian Today reports that the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is assisting Skyline Wesleyan Church of San Diego in their lawsuit.

The church claims that forcing them to provide health care that includes abortions is a violation of their religious freedom rights.

“Churches should not be forced to pay for the killing of innocent human life," said Erik Stanley, ADF Senior Counsel. "The government has no right to demand that church health insurance plans include coverage for elective abortions – something that violates the most sincerely held religious beliefs of this church and nearly all churches throughout the state."

The California Department of Managed Health Care, however, claims that under the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975 the church is required to provide basic health care and cannot discriminate against women who elect to have an abortion.

ADF Legal Counsel Jeremiah Galus contends that "California forced abortion coverage into churches' health insurance plans without their knowledge or approval," adding that “because Obamacare requires employers to provide health insurance coverage, the California mandate has left churches with no way to opt out of paying for abortions."

Publication date: February 9, 2016