Churches, Relief Organizations Respond to Mudslide Victims

Churches, Relief Organizations Respond to Mudslide Victims

Victims from the horrific mudslide in Washington state are pleading for assistance. Recent reports claim financial losses have reached $10 million.

In response to the tragedy that has now claimed the lives of at least 24 people and 22 still missing, humanitarian aide organizations and churches are leading a helping hand.

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains have deployed to the region and will be supporting the communities affected along with the local churches.

“The only personnel they’re allowing in that one square mile is essential personnel for search and rescue,” said Al New, deployment manager of the Rapid Response Team. “Everybody seems to be overwhelmed and that’s understandable.”

According to Baptist Press Oso Community Chapel is the only church on a 30-mile stretch of State Route 530. The roadway was literally cut in half March 22 by a massive landslide in Oso, Wash., that destroyed some 50 homes.

"What was a 20-mile trip now takes more than 60 miles," pastor and church planter Gary Ray told Baptist Press. "We want to identify needs and address those. Are there childcare needs, communications, pet care needs? We will assess what is needed and try to meet those needs. We have a heart to reach out and help our community."

Northwest Baptist Convention Disaster Relief is providing support Ray's efforts.

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