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Common Core Curriculum Sparks Homeschooling Surge in North Carolina

Common Core Curriculum Sparks Homeschooling Surge in North Carolina

North Carolina has seen a substantial increase in the number of parents that are choosing to homeschool their children; many parents say that the national Common Core curriculum is the cause of the homeschooling surge. 

According to, the number of households that are opting to homeschool their children has increased 27 percent since the 2011-2012 school year. Last year, there were more children that attended homeschool than private school in the state. 

Many parents are choosing to homeschool their children to avoid the nearly-nationally adopted Common Core learning experiment, a program that dictates what students must have learned in English and mathematics by the conclusion of each grade level. 

“Common Core is a big factor that I hear people talk about. They’re not happy with the work their kids are coming home with. They’ve decided to take their children home,” said Beth Herbert, Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Association founder. 

North Carolina State lawmakers recently directed public schools to revise parts of the Common Core. This leads educators to wonder if some parents will return their children to public school, or if they will choose to remain homeschooling. 

Publication date: August 15, 2014