Compassion International Children Dead, Missing After Philippines Flood

  • Religion Today
  • Published Dec 20, 2011
Compassion International Children Dead, Missing After Philippines Flood

December 21, 2011

Nearly 1,000 are dead and tens of thousands have been affected after flash flooding in Mindanao, Philippines, during the weekend, including children from Compassion International's child development centers, Mission Network News reports. "It's difficult to confirm anything because our electricity and the phone lines are unavailable right now, but what seems to be coming in is that we have had children killed, and that we have some more that are missing," said Kathy Redmond, Compassion's U.S. communications director. The organization has about 54,000 children in 320 development centers across the Philippines, most of which are in areas away from Mindanao. Compassion is working to provide survival necessities to victims in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.